Evil Under The Circle

G1: The Guardians



Mild Horror/Supernatural/Future Fiction

The Blurb:

A chance find of a tunnel under an ancient stone circle leads to a terrible secret, hidden millennia before. As terror strikes, and evil consumes, only one group can help: the Guardians. Their elite team, G1, arrives and must overcome the ancient evil. If they fail, then the very world will be destroyed.

Joined by unexpected allies, G1 face one of the greatest challenges their organisation has ever encountered, and there’s no guarantee that they will survive!

A novelette. Being the second part of G1: The Guardians.

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3 thoughts on “Evil Under The Circle

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  2. Pingback: “Evil Under The Circle (Being Part 2 of G1: The Guardians)”: New Release! | Imagineer-ing

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